Add new and customize activities

You can use the ePocket Chart Activities panel to create and customize your own activities. The Activities panel is available when you open any ePocket Chart file from the Library. You can create up to 40 activities per file.


Before you start

The Activities panel has the following file types.

Type Description
Original File A default file that comes with your ePocket Charts. Note: This file type can be customized by creating your own activities and saving it as a My Customizations file.
My Customizations File A My Customizations file is a collection of activities that you create and customize. See Create My Customizations files for more information.
Activities Activities are a bunch of customized ePocket Charts that are saved as a single My Customizations file.

Click any arrow for more information.

See instructions below for more information.

See Access ePocket Chart for more information.

Last Updated: January 02, 2020